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EAAP Accredited Member Register

This register contains a list of EAAP members who have been accreditated. It is intended to provide interested parties with the names of professional, experienced, well-educated and well-trained (Junior) Aviation Psychologists and Human Factors Specialists.

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Aviation Psychologist

LAST NAME, First NameDegree/ RankCityCountry
ALONSO, Mr. Modesto M.Licenciado en PsicologíaBuenos AiresArgentina
BUKASA, Mrs BirgitPhDWienAustria
CZIHAK, Mr. ChristianMScSchleinbachAustria
FARTHOFER, Mr. AloisDr.phil.St. Georgen/GusenAustria
GRUBESIC, Ms. AnaMag. rer. nat.ViennaAustria
SCHWARZ, Mrs. MichaelaDr.GrazAustria
VINK, Ms. Lea-SophieBA, MSc, PhDViennaAustria
WENNINGER, Mrs. UlrikeDr.Phil.Wiener NeustadtAustria
SCHMITZ (BOTEZAN), Mrs. Adriana DanaMSc.SterrebeekBelgium
VERCAUTEREN, Mrs. KatrienMaster Degree Clinical Psychology/Capt.BalegemBelgium
PENTCHEVA, Ms. ElenaMSc.SofiaBulgaria
TSVETKOVA-GEORGIEVA, Mrs. DesislavaMSc.SofiaBulgaria
DURETIC BARTOLOVIC, Mrs. AnitaMaster of PsychologyVELIKA GORICACroatia
LIVAJIĆ PEZER, Mrs. VišnjaM.A.ZagrebCroatia
VLAHEK, Mr. KresimirMScZagrebCroatia
ANTONIOU, Ms. SofiaMScLimassolCyprus
DEMOSTHENOUS, Mr. SolonasMScNicosiaCyprus
SUPIK, Mr. JosefPhDr.LOUNYCzech Republic
HARRIS, Mr. PaulMSc. Hons with MeritCopenhagenDenmark
SARPARANTA, Mr. VisaMaster of Arts (Psychology)HelsinkiFinland
CARDOZO, Mr. Sebastian DominicDipl.-Psych.HamburgGermany
EISSFELDT, Mr. HinnerkPhDHamburgGermany
HÖHNERBACH, Mr. JörgM.A. / Dipl.-Ing.(FH)SchwielowseeGermany
HÖRMANN, Sig. Hans-JürgenDr.(PhD)Henstedt-UlzburgGermany
INDLEKOFER, Mr. UdoPsyD/M.A./FO/LtColHamburgGermany
KOGLBAUER, Mrs. IoanaPh.D.IngolstadtGermany
LOEFFLER, Ms. LeonieM. Sc.LeipzigGermany
MOHR, Mrs. CorinnaDipl. psych./Capt.DreieichGermany
NORD, Ms. SabineDiploma-PsychologistPronstorfGermany
RAUCH, Mrs. MelinaDipl.-Psych.SchneverdingenGermany
REEB, Mr. ChristianPh.D.KönigsbrunnGermany
SCHINKEL, Ms. CynthiaDiplom-PsychologeMoritzburgGermany
SÖRENSEN, Mr. ChristianDipl.-Psych./ M.A.HamburgGermany
STEINER, Mrs. AgataDipl. Psych.HamburgGermany
STEINHARDT, Mr. GunnarDipl.-Psych.TrierGermany
WAI, Ms. LiemPsyD Clinical PsychologyMid-levelsHong Kong
NÁNAI, Mrs. KatalinPostgraduateBudapestHungary
WIUM, Mr. JohannMAReykjavikIceland
BACCHI, Mrs MonicaMScLaveno Mombello (VA)Italy
CIULLA, Mr. RobertoMaster DegreeParmaItaly
FANTONE, Ms. DonatellaMScBIELLAItaly
FILL GIORDANO, Ms. RebeccaDr.BozenItaly
FRAUNEDER, Mr. VincenzoMScAgropoliItaly
OGNIBENE, Mr. DanieleMsc - B.A.MilanoItaly
SCIALANGA, Mrs. MicaelaMasterRomaItaly
TOMASELLO, SM. Paolapost-graduate specialisationFiumicinoItaly
GISLASON, Mr. SigurdurMag. Psych.PinkiLatvia
ARONDEUS, Mrs JosineDrs (MSc)AmsterdamNetherlands
DROKINA, Mrs. InnaB.A.,M.A., Ph.D. (Psychology)RotterdamNetherlands
EAGLESTONE, Mrs. JenniferMScMaarssenNetherlands
KNIPSCHEER, Ms. IlseMSc.ZuidoostbeemsterNetherlands
VAN GERWEN, Mr. LucasDr.LeidenNetherlands
SCOTT, Mr. StevePhD / CaptRussellNew Zealand
FONNE, Ms. VivianneMScOsloNorway
BIERNACKI, Mr. MarcinPh.D.WarsawPoland
CHELIS, Ms. MałgorzataMScWarszawaPoland
KAPELA, Mrs. AleksandraMSc.ŁódźPoland
TARNOWSKI, Mr. AdamDoctor (PhD)WarsawPoland
CUNHA, Ms. CatarinaMPsychPortoPortugal
IVANOVSKY, Ms. TatianaMSc Clinical PsychologyLouresPortugal
PALMA, Ms. HelenaMaster´s degreeAmadoraPortugal
BITTNER, Mr. MartinMScZvolenská SlatinaSlovakia
TSHABALALA, Mr. MatitaMastersBonaero ParkSouth Africa
ROJO, Mr. ClaudioLic. Phil. (MSc)/ Capt.MadridSpain
JONZON, Mr. PatrikMSc.Skanör - SwedenSweden
O. HJORTENSJÖ, Mr. JensMSc.VejbystrandSweden
PEUKERT, Mr. MaximilianDr.LimhamnSweden
RAD, Mr. ArshoDoctor of MedicineBålstaSweden
ERBETTA, Mrs JaniceMSc, PsychologistObfeldenSwitzerland
SIKIRIC, Mr. MischelMSc PsychologieBassersdorfSwitzerland
WELTEN, Mrs. AndreaMScBonstettenSwitzerland
CHERNG, Mrs. Chian-Fang GracePh.D.TaoyuanTaiwan, Province of China
LIN, Mr. KAI-TINGMSc.Taoyuan CityTaiwan, Province of China
ARIKAN, Mrs. ZehraMSc.IstanbulTurkey
SAZAK, Ms. DenizMScAntalyaTurkey
YILDIZ, Ms. EzgiPh.D.IstanbulTurkey
KNABL-SCHMITZ, Mrs. PatriziaDr.rer.nat (phD)DubaiUnited Arab Emirates
AKHURST, Ms. EmmaMScGloucestershireUnited Kingdom
ATHERTON, Mr. Marc StephanMScLondonUnited Kingdom
BOR, Mr. RobertProf. Dr. (PhD)LondonUnited Kingdom
CREANE, Ms. CarolineMScStourbridgeUnited Kingdom
DICKENS, Mr. PaulMSc. (Philosophy)North BerwickUnited Kingdom
HEATH (GARSIDE-BEATTIE), Ms. NikkiMScRedmarleyUnited Kingdom
SALIM, Mr. AhmedMA and DiplomaLondonUnited Kingdom
DAMOS, Ms. DianePh.D.BarringtonUnited States
PETROVIC, Mrs. KatarinaMSc.NewarkUnited States

Human Factors Specialist

LAST NAME, First NameDegree/ RankCityCountry
MACHIN, Mr. NicolasBSc. PsychologistBuenos AiresArgentina
CALLADINE, Mr. RobertMaster of Aviation ManagementTrinity BeachAustralia
CRAIG, Mr. LachlanMSc Human Factors in AviationNingiAustralia
MALADY, Mr. peterMScMascotAustralia
BEER, Mr. PeterMSc./ CaptainHinterbruehlAustria
DABROWSKI, Mrs. BettinaBEdBad VöslauAustria
DVORAK, Mr. AndreasMScViennaAustria
KALINA, Ms. Katharina-MariaMSc. (Engineering)ViennaAustria
KALINA, Mr. FlorianMAViennaAustria
PEDERSEN, Mr. SörenApprobation/ StaatsexamenEisenstadtAustria
STOHWASSER, Mrs. RenateAbitur A-level diplomaMoedlingAustria
ORESKI, Mr. ZeljkoMaster of Transportation EngineeringSamoborCroatia
SAF, Mr. VJEKOSLAVMSc.Velika GoricaCroatia
CHAMARD, Mr. ThierrytechnicianLes Verchers Sur LayonFrance
MERKEL, Mr. ManuelMasterFrankfurtGermany
SANTEL, Mr. ChristophDr.-Ing. (PhD)BurscheidGermany
TSITSIOS, Mr. IliasMScThessalonikiGreece
MASO, Mr. PatrickBSc; postgraduate courses; CRM-T; Capt; test pilot.CordenonsItaly
SVEISTRYTE, Mrs. IndreMaster degreeVilniusLithuania
BOJAN, Mr. ClaudiuMasterBridelLuxembourg
KONSBRUCK, Ms. MartinenaBerdorfLuxembourg
DANIELS, Mr. PieterMScArnhemNetherlands
KUKEL, Ms. AllysonBA (Hons)LeidenNetherlands
VLASKAMP, Mr. DaanCapt/TRE/TRIAmsterdamNetherlands
NAEF, Mr. WernerCapt.(ret.)/ Colonel (ret.)Stoke / NelsonNew Zealand
SCOTT, Mr. StevePhD / CaptRussellNew Zealand
MARQUES MIRA, Mr. Joao FilipeATPLLisbonPortugal
MARQUES MIRA, Mrs. AlexandraMScLisboaPortugal
PECHLIVANIS, Mr. KonstantinosMScBucharestRomania
MARKOVIĆ, Mr. AleksandarUniversity DegreeBelgradeSerbia
JAYASEKERA, Mr. SenaratMaster's Degree with MeritSingaporeSingapore
CORTES OBRERO, Ms. GuadalupeMScMadridSpain
ROJO, Mr. ClaudioLic. Phil. (MSc)/ Capt.MadridSpain
ELLERSTRAND, Mr. AndersMScÄngelholmSweden
GUIDETTI, Mr. SandroMSc.BramoisSwitzerland
HARI, Mr. BenjaminMSc in Air Safety ManagementWallbachSwitzerland
CEKEN, Ms. SedaPH.D.IstanbulTurkey
BELL, Mr. LIAMMScBrightonUnited Kingdom
CAMPBELL, Ms. AlisonMScDumfriesUnited Kingdom
DOULL, Mr. DavidMScLondonUnited Kingdom
FITZSIMONS, Ms. LisaMScHook, HampshireUnited Kingdom
HAZRATI, Ms. JordanMScWindsorUnited Kingdom
HEATH (GARSIDE-BEATTIE), Ms. NikkiMScRedmarleyUnited Kingdom
HEENAN MSC FRAES, Mrs. HelenMScStratford-upon-AvonUnited Kingdom
SALIM, Mr. AhmedMA and DiplomaLondonUnited Kingdom
WHITWORTH, Mr. BenjaminMSc Aviation Human Factors - distinctionChippenhamUnited Kingdom
CROFT, Mr. BruceBachelor of ArtsSan Carlos, CAUnited States
KONRAD, Mr. GernotDr.-Ing.GlendaleUnited States
LAYA, Mr. JuanMSc. In AeronauticsWesley ChapelUnited States
ZIAKKAS, Mr. DimitriosBSc/MSc/PH.D/ CaptainLafayette, INUnited States

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