EAAP also published resources for aviation psychologists, human factors specialists and other stakeholder. Below is a list of select documents and files that practitioners may find useful.
EAAP Publications
Selection in Aviation: A European Association for Aviation Psychology Report
- EAAP Report on Selection in Aviation [PDF 883.0 kb]
- The EAAP report on Selection in Aviation was written by EAAP members for EAAP members with an interest in selection in aviation. Although some basic knowledge of psychology will help in reading this report, it has been written to be as accessible as possible for anyone interested in selection in aviation. The authors and EAAP would however like to emphasize the fact that having this report in hand does not make you a qualified selection practitioner. It is meant as a point of reference for those interested in the topic, providing an overview of the various aspects involved. A selection procedure should always be designed and overseen by qualified and experienced personnel with an understanding of aviation psychology.
- This report takes you from reasons for selection, to the history of selection in aviation, to recommendations for designing, validating and implementing your own selection procedure. The report also includes two appendices, the first is a checklist to assist selection specialists with the technical aspects of a selection procedure; the second presents the results from a survey undertaken by this working group as an inventory of common practices in pilot and ATC selection.