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Human Factors in Flight Safety

5 May 2025

Human Factors in Flight Safety training course, Sitges, 05-09 May 2025

The 30th EAAP-recognised Human Factors in Flight Safety initial training course will be held in Sitges, near Barcelona, from 05-09 May 2025. The course will once again be very kindly hosted and supported by our valued safety promotion partners at Vueling.

The experienced team of Brent Hayward and Dr Alan Hobbs and some special guests will conduct this long-established and popular course, which is aimed at all aviation professionals working in or supporting civilian or military aviation operations. Participants usually include airline and military pilots, cabin crew, ATCOs, maintenance engineers, safety managers, psychologists, human factors managers, safety trainers, CRM Instructors, air safety investigators, aviation regulators and other safety professionals. Participants from other safety-critical domains are also most welcome to attend.

Registrations for the course are now open and a detailed course information and registration brochure can be downloaded below.

Please contact Brent Hayward if you require any further details:

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